Are you ready to learn how to get listings in real estate and take your business to new heights in 2023? In a competitive market, it’s crucial to stand out and establish yourself as an expert. We’ve got you covered with 21 proven strategies on how to get more real estate listings and help you set the stage for a successful year. Get ready to become a top-performing agent in your local real estate market!

Short Summary

  • Master local real estate market & trends

  • Utilize social media, content marketing strategies and networking to gain an edge

  • Offer valuable resources & leverage expired listings for maximum success

Master Your Local Real Estate Market

real estate, homeownership, homebuying

To thrive as a successful real estate agent, it’s essential to master your local real estate market. Why? Because clients rely on you for accurate information and valuable insights.

By staying updated on new developments, understanding pricing strategies, and researching local market trends, you set yourself apart from other real estate agents and become the go-to expert.

Being well-versed in the nuances of your local market equips you to meet consumer needs. This provides valuable insights to potential clients. Geographically map the confines of your target market, and narrow in on the typical price range to maximize success in your real estate business.

Your knowledge of the local market will help you stand out among other real estate agents and generate more listings.

Research local market trends

To stay ahead of the game, real estate agents should explore niche blogs and local publications. This helps you stay informed about local trends. Housing experts predict that the real estate market in 2023 will be tepid. With lukewarm demand and limited inventory available for sale, there is a potential of creating a buyer’s market. For more on the 2023 market:

By staying abreast of these trends, you can provide reliable and trustworthy information to clients about the local real estate market.

businessman, charts, trend

Understand pricing strategies

Understanding pricing strategies is crucial for real estate agents to price properties competitively and attract potential buyers. In 2023, you can look forward to utilizing aspirational pricing, market value pricing, and below-market pricing strategies in real estate.

When pricing a property, consider buyer behavior, market conditions, and strategically positioning the price for success. Experts anticipate a slight dip in median home prices in 2023 compared to the previous year. This could offer a great opportunity to invest.

Stay updated on new developments

Staying updated on new developments is essential for agents to offer clients the most up-to-date information on available properties and market conditions. You can attend networking events, join local real estate associations, and leverage social media channels to stay informed.

By staying ahead of the curve on new developments in real estate, you can provide clients with the most current information on accessible properties and market conditions, giving you an edge over the competition.

Develop a Strong Online Presence

influencer, social media, woman

In today’s digital world, having a strong online presence is a must for real estate agents. Your online presence is your calling card, showcasing your expertise, listings, and services to potential clients.

Building a professional website, utilizing social media channels, and implementing content marketing strategies are essential elements of a strong online presence.

By leveraging the power of social media channels, you can effectively reach your target audience. You can also promote your services, create engaging videos, run impactful retargeting ads, and use Facebook Live Neighborhood Farming to maximize your reach.

Content marketing strategies, such as blogging and video marketing, allow you to provide valuable information and practical advice to your audience, positioning yourself as an industry leader.

Create a professional website

A professional website is crucial for building credibility and trust with potential clients. To create an attractive and professional website, you can use a website builder, engage a web designer, or utilize a template.

Ensure a smooth navigation experience by using a straightforward layout, distinct navigation menus, and descriptive page titles.

Optimize your website for search engines by utilizing relevant keywords, optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, and crafting quality content. Don’t forget to promote your website through social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

mobile phone, smartphone, keyboard

Utilize social media channels

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are invaluable tools for real estate agents to connect with potential clients. They can share valuable content, and promote their services. Create a Facebook page and use other social media platforms to showcase your listings and the local area.

Be creative in your approach, using engaging visuals and compelling messaging to capture the attention of your target audience.

Don’t forget to interact with your followers and respond to comments and messages to build relationships and trust.

Implement content marketing strategies

Implement content marketing strategies to provide valuable information and establish yourself as an industry expert. Publish actionable content and practical advice on your blog, and consider creating engaging videos to share on social media platforms.

Utilize tools like Branded YouTube Pre-Roll Ads to showcase your skills and services.

By providing valuable information and resources, you can attract potential clients and showcase your expertise in the real estate market.

Network with Other Real Estate Professionals

startup, start-up, people

Networking with other real estate professionals is key to growing your network and gaining valuable insights. By attending events, joining local associations, and collaborating with industry professionals, you can expand your knowledge and stay ahead of the competition.

Networking not only helps you learn from others’ experiences, but also provides opportunities for referrals and collaborations, ultimately leading to more listings.

Connecting with other agents in your area allows you to gain valuable insights and establish yourself as a well-respected peer. Working with builders and other professionals in the industry can also be a great way to obtain real estate listings. They often hire local real estate agents to sell their properties.

Attend networking events

Attending networking and community events, is an excellent way to connect with other professionals, share ideas, and explore new opportunities. Events like the ICC Summit, FUBCON, and NAR NXT provide valuable networking opportunities and insights into the latest industry trends.

Make the most of networking events by coming prepared with business cards, a list of questions, and a plan to maximize the event. Stay in touch with the contacts you make and seize any networking opportunities that come your way.

members, group, people

Join local real estate associations

Joining local real estate associations provides access to invaluable resources, educational opportunities, and networking events. Some examples of local realtor associations available across the USA include the National Association of REALTORS® and various regional associations.

The process of joining, typically involves completing an application, paying a membership fee, and attending an orientation.

By joining local real estate associations, you can stay ahead of the curve on the latest industry trends and developments.

Collaborate with industry professionals

Collaborating with industry professionals, such as mortgage brokers and home inspectors, can lead to referrals and a better understanding of the local market. Working together with other professionals allows you to provide better services to clients and grow your network.

Nurture relationships with these professionals to maximize the likelihood of receiving referrals from them. Providing incentives, such as discounts or free services, can motivate industry professionals to refer clients to you.

Target For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Properties

Real estate agent researching FSBO listings

Targeting FSBO properties is an effective strategy to find potential clients who may be more willing to collaborate with a real estate professional. FSBO homeowners often attempt to sell their properties without the help of an agent, which can save them both time and money.

By researching listings, developing a compelling pitch, and offering valuable resources, you can convince FSBO homeowners to work with you. This increases your chances of getting more listings.

Reach out to FSBO properties that have been on the market for 2+ months and stay in contact for a few months while offering valuable information and tips. By showcasing your top-notch marketing strategies and the value you bring to the table, you can persuade FSBO homeowners to consider working with a real estate agent to sell their property more effectively.

For valuable suggestions on how to use FSBO scripts:

Research FSBO listings

Research FSBO listings to identify potential clients who may benefit from your services. Websites like, Beycome Real Estate,,, and Flat Fee Realty are some of the top FSBO websites that can help you find listings and get the most out of your real estate efforts.

Utilizing a real estate website focused on FSBO properties can be a valuable resource in your search.

These websites provide the resources and services homeowners need to successfully sell their homes without a real estate agent. This makes them a valuable source for identifying potential clients.

Develop a compelling pitch

Develop a compelling pitch that highlights the benefits of working with an agent and showcases your expertise. Emphasize the value you bring to the table, such as marketing and a more competitive asking price, when dealing with FSBO homeowners.

Utilize reliable FSBO scripts and demonstrate to homeowners that you are the ideal agent to sell their homes.

Offer valuable resources

Agent offering resources to a client

Offer valuable resources, such as market analysis and marketing support, to help FSBO homeowners sell their properties more effectively. By providing these resources and showcasing your expertise in the local real estate market, you can build trust and encourage FSBO homeowners to consider working with a real estate professional to maximize their property sale.

Real estate professionals, including real estate teams, can provide a wealth of knowledge and experience to help FSBO homeowners navigate the complexities.

Leverage Expired Listings

Real estate agent identifying expired listings

Leveraging expired listings is a powerful strategy helping homeowners sell properties listed for sale but not sold by expiration. By identifying these listings, offering tailored solutions, and showcasing your success rate, you can win over potential clients and increase your chances of getting more listings.

Expired listings present opportunities to uncover why properties didn’t sell. They can also provide advice on how to create a more compelling listing presentation for the property.

By offering tailored solutions based on the specific challenges that led to the listing’s expiration, such as inadequate marketing or an overpriced listing, you can demonstrate your expertise and ability to deliver results.

Identify expired listings

Identify expired listings as potential opportunities to help homeowners sell their properties. Research local market trends, utilize online resources, and network with other real estate professionals to find expired listings and capitalize on them.

By targeting these new listings and offering tailored solutions, you can grow your business and generate more seller leads.

Offer tailored solutions

Offer tailored solutions to address the specific challenges that led to the listing’s expiration. For example, if the challenge was a lack of marketing, develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes online and offline strategies to help drive success.

When presenting the tailored solutions to the potential client, be clear and concise in demonstrating the value of the tailored solutions and how they will effectively address the challenges.

Showcase your success rate

Showcase your success rate in selling properties to demonstrate your expertise and ability to deliver results. By highlighting your past successes, providing glowing testimonials from past clients, and offering valuable resources, you can capture the attention of potential clients and persuade them to work with you.

Remember, the more successful you are as a real estate agent, the more likely you are to attract new clients and generate more listings.

Utilize Direct Mail Marketing

email, newsletter, email marketing

Direct mail marketing is an effective way to reach your target customers and generate leads. In 2023, direct mail spending is projected to rise from 1.6% to 3.3% of total advertising expenditure. This creates a great opportunity to reach your target audience.

By designing eye-catching mailers, targeting specific neighborhoods, and tracking campaign results, you can maximize the effectiveness of your direct mail marketing efforts and generate more leads.

The Magic Buyer Letter 2.0 is a powerful letter to homeowners who live in the neighborhoods where your buyers are looking to live, encouraging them to contact you if they’re interested in selling. Utilize data-driven targeting to send tailored mailers to specific audiences for personalization. You can link mailers to online content through digital integration.

Don’t forget to measure the success of your direct mail campaigns by using tracking codes, measuring response rates, and analyzing customer feedback.

Design eye-catching mailers

Design eye-catching mailers that showcase your services, listings, and success stories to capture the attention of potential clients.

Utilize colors, images, and fonts that are relevant to the message you are trying to communicate. Include unique QR codes or coupons in your direct mail pieces to track the results of your campaign and gain valuable insights.

Remember, a visually appealing and persuasive mail piece can make a lasting impact on your target audience.

Target specific neighborhoods

Arial image of a neighborhood

Target specific neighborhoods to focus your marketing efforts and increase the likelihood of generating leads. The Magic Buyer Letter 2.0 is an effective way to reach out to homeowners who live in the neighborhoods your buyers desire, encouraging them to get in touch with you if they’re interested in selling.

By targeting specific neighborhoods, you can ensure your marketing efforts are reaching the right audience and maximize the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns.

Track campaign results

Track campaign results to measure the effectiveness of your direct mail marketing efforts and make necessary adjustments. Utilize tracking codes, measure response rates, and analyze customer feedback to determine the success of your campaigns.

By monitoring the results of your direct mail campaigns, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your marketing efforts and ultimately generate more leads.

Host Informative Workshops and Seminars

training, classroom training, training and development

Hosting informative workshops and seminars is an excellent way to educate potential clients and showcase your expertise. By choosing engaging topics, promoting events effectively, and offering valuable takeaways, you can attract potential clients and make a lasting impression on them.

Workshops and seminars not only provide valuable information to attendees, but also help you establish yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy real estate professional.

To ensure your workshops and seminars are successful, select topics that address common real estate concerns and provide valuable information to attendees. Promote events effectively through social media, email marketing, and local advertising to attract potential clients. Offer valuable takeaways, such as market reports or home valuation tools. This provides attendees with useful resources and encourages them to work with you.

Choose engaging topics

Choose engaging topics that address common real estate concerns and provide valuable information to attendees. Topics can include understanding current market conditions, pricing strategies, staying up to date with local market trends, and being aware of new developments.

By selecting topics that resonate with potential clients, you can provide useful information and showcase your expertise in the real estate market.

Promote events effectively

marketing, megaphone, advertisement

Promote events effectively through social media, email marketing, and local advertising to attract potential clients. Create a unique hashtag for the event. Offer discounts or giveaways to incentivize people, and create a visually appealing video or infographic to promote the event.

By using creative strategies to generate interest in your events, you can reach a wider audience and attract potential clients to attend.

Offer valuable takeaways

Provide valuable takeaways to attendees by offering educational materials like handouts, brochures, and e-books. Additionally, offer discounts on services or free consultations as incentives for attendees to work with you.

By providing valuable resources and actionable advice, you can make a lasting impact on attendees and encourage them to consider working with you for their real estate needs.

Maximize Referrals from Past Clients

Real estate agent staying in touch with past clients

Maximizing referrals from past clients is crucial for the continued growth of your real estate business. By keeping in touch regularly, requesting testimonials, and providing exceptional service, you encourage word-of-mouth marketing and generate more leads.

Maintaining relationships with past clients and staying top of mind is key to long-term success in the real estate industry.

Reconnect with past clients by sending personalized messages on Facebook Messenger, phone calls, and emails. Request testimonials from satisfied clients to showcase your expertise and success in helping others achieve their real estate goals. By providing exceptional service and staying connected with past clients, you can maximize referrals and grow your business.

Keep in touch regularly

Keep in touch with past clients regularly through phone calls, emails, and through social media accounts to maintain relationships and stay top of mind. Set reminders, personalize messages, and provide valuable resources to ensure you stay connected with your past clients.

Staying in touch with past clients can be incredibly beneficial for building relationships, remaining top of mind, and generating referrals.

Request testimonials

Request testimonials from satisfied clients to showcase your expertise and success in helping others achieve their real estate goals. Testimonials can powerfully establish credibility, authority, and lead to more meaningful conversions for your business.

By highlighting your past successes and providing glowing testimonials, you can capture the attention of potential clients and persuade them to work with you.


These 21 proven strategies will help you get more listings and excel in the real estate market in 2023. By mastering your local market, developing a strong online presence, networking with professionals, targeting FSBO properties, leveraging expired listings, utilizing direct mail marketing, hosting informative workshops, and maximizing referrals from past clients, you can set yourself apart from the competition and become a top-performing agent. Now is the time to put these strategies into action and make 2023 your most successful year yet!

Frequently Asked Questions

question mark, question, response

How do I get a lot of listings?

Grow your business by implementing proven strategies such as scheduling weekly calls with your sphere. Use Facebook and Display ads and learn how to find hidden listing inventories. Skip the line for exclusive seller leads, go prospecting for FSBOs and join a team or find a mentor.

Make sure you follow these steps to get the most out of your real estate buyer leads.

How do you get noticed in real estate?

Be active in your community! Get on social media, and reach out to your contacts. Offer something for nothing, and use referrals and recommendations to spread the word that you’re a real estate agent!

Show that you’re excited to start your new career and take advantage of any opportunity to network and grow your business.

How do I get more listings in 2023?

To get more listings in 2023, be accessible, build your network, target your local community, offer added value from the start, invest in your skill set, and leverage your existing network.

Accessibility is key to success in the real estate industry. Make sure you are easy to reach and available to answer questions. Building your network is also important. Connect with other agents, brokers, and potential clients in your local area.

Targeting your local community is important.

What are some effective ways to stay updated on local market trends?

Stay in the loop by exploring local publications, niche blogs, and attending networking events to stay abreast of local market trends.

How can I create a professional and attractive real estate website?

Creating a professional and attractive real estate website is easy. Use a website builder, engage a web designer, or utilize a template.