Are you ready to take your open houses to the next level and boost your real estate success? In today’s competitive market, it’s crucial to think outside the box and implement game-changing ideas for open houses that will set you apart from the competition. In this blog post, we’ll share 10 innovative ideas for open houses that will help you attract more visitors, generate leads, and leave a lasting impression on potential buyers.

Key Takeaways

  • Maximize online presence and leverage virtual tours for an immersive experience.

  • Create an inviting atmosphere with interactive displays and collaborate with local businesses to attract guests.

  • Utilize technology, offer valuable takeaways, host themed open houses and follow up leads for success!

Maximize Your Online Presence

Successful open house with real estate agent and prospective buyers

A robust online presence is a cornerstone of a successful open house in today’s digital age. To promote your open house and attract potential visitors, make effective use of online listing websites, social media platforms, and targeted digital marketing. By leveraging popular real estate websites such as Zillow,, and Trulia, you can share open house details and ensure your property stands out in a crowded market.

Social media platforms offer endless opportunities for real estate agents to showcase their open houses. Create short video snippets from your livestreams, and edit them into engaging content for Instagram Reels, Stories, or even TikTok. This will not only boost your open house visibility but also strengthen your personal brand as a real estate professional.

High-quality marketing materials are a worthwhile investment that can help you establish credibility and draw in more open house visitors. Professional photographs, virtual tours, and eye-catching property descriptions can make your listing stand out and generate interest among motivated buyers.

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of free advertising. Join local Facebook groups. Share your open house details with city lights, and collaborate with other real estate agents to maximize your online reach. By following up with potential leads, you can nurture relationships and increase your chances of closing deals.

Embrace Virtual Tours and 3D Showcases

A virtual tour showcasing the latest ideas for open houses including modern furniture and decor.

Virtual open houses have become increasingly popular in today’s market. They offer an immersive experience for prospective buyers who may not be able to attend an in-person open house. Embracing virtual tours and 3D showcases, as well as virtually stage the property, opens up opportunities for potential buyers to:

  • Explore the property at their convenience

  • Get a realistic sense of the layout and features

  • Save time and travel expenses

  • Increase the likelihood of attracting interested parties

One effective way to captivate visitors during an open house is to display virtually staged photos. This can help guests envision the potential of the property and could even influence their final decision. Additionally, offering a virtual tour or 3D mockup during an open house can give clients an immersive experience and easily visualize the space.

For a smooth and successful virtual open house, agents need to have a thorough understanding of the property’s features. An agent should also anticipate possible questions, and get to know the property layout well. Consider using a digital sign-in sheet instead of a traditional sign in sheet for efficient visitor registration.

One amazing tool to enhance your open house strategy is CubiCasa. Here’s how it works:

  1. Scan the property using the CubiCasa app.

  2. Within hours, receive a detailed floor plan of the property.

  3. Add the floor plan to your real estate listing.

  4. Increase click-throughs from buyers by 52%.

  5. Capture potential leads and increase your chances of making a sale.

CubiCasa is a game-changer for real estate agents looking to provide a more immersive and informative experience for potential buyers.

Create an Inviting Atmosphere

Inviting atmosphere with open house sign and food for guests

A warm and inviting atmosphere is key to making open house guests feel welcome and encouraging them to explore the property. Staging the property, offering refreshments, and providing personalized touches such as branded doormats and welcome signs can help create a welcoming environment for prospective buyers.

One of the key aspects of staging a property is removing personal items, such as family photos and keepsakes. This allows potential buyers to visualize their own belongings in the space and imagine themselves living there. Additionally, ensuring valuables are securely stored and out of sight during an open house can provide peace of mind and maintain a professional atmosphere.

Food and entertainment can play a significant role in attracting interested buyers to attend an open house. Some open house food ideas include:

  • Finger foods and hors d’oeuvres served cold or at room temperature

  • Light refreshments such as fruit skewers or cheese platters

  • Beverages like water, soda, or iced tea

These options allow guests to enjoy the property while also keeping the homeowner’s space clean.

To make your open house even more inviting, consider offering classic refreshments like coffee. This simple gesture can make guests feel comfortable and more inclined to spend time exploring the property.

Lastly, involving the local community in your open house event can create a welcoming and community-oriented atmosphere. Hosting a barbecue and inviting neighbors to mingle can increase foot traffic and provide potential buyers with valuable insights into the neighborhood.

Engage Guests with Interactive Displays

Interactive displays, including QR codes and floor plan frames, present visitors with engaging ways to connect with the property. By strategically displaying floor plans around the main divisions of the property, you can illustrate the relationship between spaces and showcase the overall layout of the property to potential buyers.

QR codes can streamline visitor registration, making it faster and more efficient for everyone involved. This innovative approach not only engages guests but also demonstrates your commitment to leveraging technology in the real estate industry.

Showcasing floor plans in open houses can also make the seller appear more professional and trustworthy. Ultimately, this helps potential buyers envision the property as their own. By incorporating interactive displays in your open house, you can create an engaging experience that leaves a lasting impression on guests.

Collaborate with Local Businesses

Partnering with local businesses can offer exciting opportunities, promotional materials, and discounts. This makes your open house even more attractive and supporting of the community. Collaborating with local shops, cafes, and independent businesses allows you to create unique experiences for open house attendees. Thus, you can drum up interest in your event.

One exciting way to collaborate with local businesses is by hosting a pop-up shop. This can feature a local home decor showroom, clothing store, or lifestyle boutique at your open house event. This not only adds visual interest to the property but also supports local businesses and attracts a diverse audience.

Another advantage of partnering with local businesses is the potential for cross-promotion on social media channels. The brands you collaborate with may promote your open house event on their social media platforms for free, providing a great opportunity to reach a wider audience and generate new leads.

Utilize Technology for Efficient Visitor Registration

The use of technology like electronic sign-in sheets and touchless QR code registration can streamline the collection of visitor information and identification of potential leads. By leveraging technology, you can streamline the registration process, allowing you to focus on engaging with guests and showcasing the property.

Open Home Pro® is an excellent tool that provides a digital sign-in sheet with customizable questions, visitor notes, and lead exporting capabilities, making it a powerful tool for real estate agents. By connecting your digital sign-in sheet to a customer relationship manager (CRM), you can nurture relationships and enable effective email segmentation.

Post-open house follow-ups with potential leads are vital for building relationships and sealing deals. By utilizing a CRM connected to a digital open house sign-in sheet, you can efficiently follow up with visitors through personalized emails, phone calls, or social media interactions, ultimately building lasting relationships and generating new business.

Offer Valuable Takeaways for Attendees

Providing valuable takeaways for open house attendees can leave a lasting impression and keep your brand top of mind. Informational packets, branded gifts, and raffle prizes are effective ways to ensure that attendees get something meaningful from your event.

Branded gifts, such as pens, cups, or dish towels, not only create a memorable experience for guests but also serve as a reminder of your real estate services whenever they use the item. By including your contact information on these gifts, you make it easy for potential clients to reach out to you in the future.

Raffle prizes, such as gift cards or spa services, can generate excitement and encourage participation among open house attendees. By highlighting the presence of a raffle on invites and marketing materials, you can create anticipation and entice guests to join in.

Lastly, providing informational packets as attendees leave the open house can serve as a valuable resource for potential buyers. These packets can include key property features, neighborhood information, and your contact details, ensuring that potential clients have all the information they need to make an informed decision.

Host Themed Open Houses

Themed open houses, like charity fundraisers or art exhibitions, serve as a fantastic tool for creating memorable experiences and drawing a diverse audience. By hosting unique events, you can differentiate yourself from another licensed real estate agent and generate interest in your listings.

Selling Sunset recently hosted an open house in the Hollywood Hills. It was named “Burgers and Botox”, and innovative concept. This event offered free burgers and Botox injections, drawing in potential buyers and creating a buzz around the property. While not every open house needs to be this extravagant, hosting creative and engaging events can make your open house stand out from the competition.

Another exciting themed open house idea is hosting an art exhibition, showcasing local artists’ work while providing a visually appealing backdrop for the property. By promoting the art exhibition through various channels, such as distributing flyers and leveraging social media, you can attract art enthusiasts and potential buyers who may not have otherwise attended your open house. With these open house ideas, you can create a unique and engaging experience for your guests.

Engage in Strategic Networking with Fellow Agents


Working together with fellow agents has numerous benefits, including sharing listings, co-hosting open houses, and broadening your professional network. By engaging in strategic networking, you increase your chances of generating leads and closing deals.

One effective way to collaborate with other agents is through circle prospecting, where you identify potential clients within a specific geographic area and share leads with other agents in your network. Inviting neighbors to an open house can also help you establish relationships with local homeowners and generate new leads.

Another advantage of working with other agents is the ability to pool resources and lower open house expenses. By hosting joint open houses, you can share marketing materials, promotional items, and even leverage each other’s networks to attract more prospective clients.

Furthermore, practicing open house scripts and engaging in conversations with other real estate professionals can help you sharpen your skills and stay informed about industry trends. By actively networking with fellow agents, you can expand your knowledge and increase your chances of success in the real estate industry.

For more on networking, see our blog:

Follow Up with Potential Leads

The importance of following up with open house visitors cannot be overstated, as it nurtures potential leads and fosters lasting relationships. By reaching out to attendees within 24 hours of the event, you demonstrate your commitment to providing exceptional service and addressing their needs.

One effective way to follow up with potential leads is by using personalized emails, phone calls, or social media interactions. By referencing specific details about the visitor’s experience at the open house, you can show that you pay close attention and genuinely care about their needs.

Utilizing a CRM connected to a digital open house sign-in sheet can help you efficiently manage and segment your leads. By creating a segment specifically for open house attendees, you can share targeted information and listings to keep potential clients engaged and invested in your services.

Lastly, using open house follow-up email templates can save you time and ensure that your message is consistent and professional. By automating your follow-up process, you can focus on nurturing relationships and converting leads into future clients.


In conclusion, implementing these 10 game-changing open house ideas can significantly boost your real estate success and set you apart from the competition. By maximizing your online presence, embracing virtual tours, creating an inviting atmosphere, and engaging guests with interactive displays, you can create memorable experiences that attract potential buyers. Additionally, collaborating with local businesses, utilizing technology for visitor registration, offering valuable takeaways, hosting themed open houses, and strategically networking with fellow agents can help you generate leads and close deals. By following up with potential leads and nurturing relationships, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-performing real estate agent.

Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questions

How do you make an open house fun?

Make your open house fun by providing promotional goodies, hosting a raffle and decorating for the season, offering digital sign-in sheets, handing out goody bags, providing local food and drink, live streaming on social media, inviting the neighbors, and creating branded informational packets.

How do I attract more people to my open house?

Spread the word to neighbors, partner with local businesses, offer exclusive perks and incentives, get creative with it, update your listing, post on social media, send flyers or invitations, invite the neighborhood, include a Google Maps link in your outreach, put up signs, add balloons, and add special touches outside – all these steps can help you attract more people to your open house!

What draws people to an open house?

Attractive food, prizes, and a home with desirable features can all draw potential buyers to an open house, making it more memorable than the rest.

How do you make yourself stand out in an open house?

Make a lasting impression by introducing yourself, shaking hands, making eye contact, and trying to make the listing agent laugh. Demonstrating kindness and charm could put you ahead of the competition in multiple offer situations.

How can I maximize my online presence for a successful open house tour?

Maximize your open house’s success by utilizing online listing websites, social media platforms, and digital marketing to promote it and attract visitors.